SpeedBox 1.3 .Tuning for Shimano (EP8) E-Tube port


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Kr 2 890
The "+ E-Tube port" variant is intended for e-bikes without a free E-Tube port - usually e-bikes with one of these components:
   Satellite System ON/ OFF Switch
   Di2 (electronic gear shifting system)

Maximum speed: unlimited
Activation/deactivation: by turning off/ on the lights
Display shows: real values up to 23 km/h
Compatible with:
   motors EP8
   motors EP8 RS
   Giant Revolt (up to 35 km/h)
Not compatible with:
   Shimano EP801
   Shimano EP601
   SpeedBox App


Bruk av en slik modifisert elektrisk sykkel på offentlig vei kan være i strid med gjeldende lovgivning i enkelte land.

Dette gjelder i Norge, hvor det kun er fritatt for krav til registrering, førerkort og forsikring for elsykler med motorhjelp opp til 25 km/t.

Det er ikke tillatt å bruke elektriske sykler utstyrt med SpeedBox-produkter på veier, sykkelstier og i offentlige rom eller private områder.

Produktet garanteres kun å oppheve hastighetssperren på den angitte drivlinjen i dagens utførelse, og med dagens firmware versjon.

Bruk av SpeedBox kan medføre at elsykkelens garanti går tapt. Produsenten og selger påtar seg ikke erstatningsansvar for bruk av SpeedBox-produkter i strid med gjeldende regler.


From the ground up redesigned tuning chip for your e-bike with a Shimano motor – with a new design and completely new hardware and firmware.

The tuning chip SpeedBox 1.3 enables you to suppress the speed limiter on your electric bike. When in use, the actual speed will appear on your display up to 23 km/h.

If you want to see correct speed and all riding data during your ride, we recommend choosing SpeedBox 1.3 B.Tuning for Shimano - you can see the real values in our SpeedBox App – right on the display of your phone.

Compared to previous versions, this new product also plugs into the engine's E-Tube port. It is therefore necessary that the e-bike motor in which you are going to install the new version of SpeedBox for Shimano has one free E-Tube port. In case you do not have a free E-Tube port in the motor, please select “+E-Tube Port” variant,

E-bikes, which do not have a free E-Tube port, are usually those with a Di2 electronic gear shifting system, or with a tube integrated Satellite System ON/OFF Switch (EW-SW100, EW-SW300).

How does SpeedBox 1.3 work?

This tuning chip can also be easily controlled with a LIGHT button. If the lights are turned off, SpeedBox is activated. If you want to have the tuning always activated, regardless of the lights status, connect the fork terminal from SpeedBox to the screw terminal marked "-". If you do not have lights function activated on your e-bike, SpeedBox will be activated at all times.


We use original connectors for the production of SpeedBox chips ensuring that the installation process is very simple and the chip is connected properly. We have also prepared detailed instructions and videos to make installation easy for you. Disassembly of the tuning chip is just as easy. If you have any troubles with installation or disassembly, do not hesitate to contact us.

If you are planning to install SpeedBox on a brand-new bike, make sure you ride it for at least 10 km before the chip is activated.

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